The Archangelic Purification Mist creates an energetic connection to the vibration of Archangel Metatron and his twin flame or spiritual brother, Sandalphon. During their lives on Earth, Metatron was the prophet, Enoch, and Sandalphon was the prophet
The Lady Nada Purification Mist creates an energetic connection to the vibration of Ascended Master Lady Nada, who holds the feminine ray of Christ. This unique combination of essential oils supports you to receive a divine connection to her and her
This sterling silver ring, with oxidised silver inlay, works with the Transference Healing Dragon Power Symbol. Wearing this powerful symbol will help you to maintain emotional and psychic balance, while offering you energetic protection.
In Transfe
The Seal of Solomon: The Celestial 7th Star
This sterling silver & onyx pendant connects you to the Transference Healing Master Christ Template and all of its ascension powers. It supports you to access the interdimensional energies to ascend in
Join Alexis Cartwright as she offers a personal and channelled perspective on the divine teachings of alchemy and humanity’s ascension journey.
Beyond Doorways is as profound as it is timely. As you read, you initiate frequency changes within yo
Transference Healing is delighted to share the ‘Healing with Alchemy Set’, a powerful ritual tool for the modern day alchemist.
Alchemy is the universal principle that transforms focused intent into tangible reality. It is the kind of magic that as
This unique and beautiful divination tool contains 56 Animal Magic cards accompanied by a companion book, offering extensive insight into the meaning and healing attributes of each card.
Drawing from the animal totems of various shamanic traditions,
The Sacred Space Purification Spray creates a deep state of purification when sprayed around your body or environment. Created with the support of Australia’s flora, its aroma stimulates a cleansing and refreshing feeling. These properties were also
The Christ Ray – Divine Healing
These Crystal Cross pendants weave Earth and cosmic crystalline frequencies into your being, healing genetic weakness in your DNA. This enables your physical body to begin a divinely orchestrated self-healing proces