Connect with our Transference Healing Practitioners and Facilitators

We are delighted to introduce you to our Transference Healing practitioners and teachers. Whether you are looking for a practitioner to experience a healing session, or you want to have an in-person workshop experience with a certified Transference Healing teacher, you have come to the right place.

To book a session with a Transference Healing practitioner, please review the healers on this page and contact the person you resonate with. All practitioners featured here are qualified to offer Transference Healing sessions, in-person or remotely.

Many of the healers on this page are also qualified to teach Transference Healing workshops and trainings, for in-person attendance only. Look for the ‘Certified Practitioner & Teacher’ icon to attend the Transference Healing Fundamental Training or one of our workshops, such as Animal Magic, Child of Light or Beyond Doorways. To attend the Advanced Training with one of our teachers, look for the ‘Certified Practitioner & Advanced Training Teacher’ icon. As Alexis works almost exclusively online, attending an in-person workshop or training with one of our teachers is a great way to learn Transference Healing in a more intimate and personalised environment.

All healers and teachers on this website have attended training revisions with Alexis every two years and are actively working toward their own self-mastership in this lifetime. We thank them deeply for their service to humanity and this planet.

What will I experience during a Transference Healing session?

Without touching your body, your Transference Healing practitioner will channel interdimensional frequencies into your being. They will intuitively identify the cause of illness or imbalance, and apply specific Transference Healing procedures relevant to your needs.  An intuitive ‘reading’ will be offered at the end of each session, giving you insight into your internal process.

The healing that is initiated during this session will continue over the weeks that follow. During this time, you are energetically supported to embody new levels of wellness and personal growth. To support your integration of these healing frequencies, your practitioner will create a therapeutic essence for you to work with at home.

Although these sessions initiate a physiological healing process, they are a spiritual experience. After a healing you may feel ‘altered’, feel the release of mild symptomatic pain, undergo a subtle identity shift, or have long-standing issues resolve themselves. You may also feel spiritual intervention in your life. Passion and potential resurface as you embody new aspects of self.

Transference Healing supports healing, personal growth and spiritual empowerment, and is suitable for all ages, conditions and illnesses.

Transference Healing sessions run for approximately 1-2 hours.

How much does it cost to receive a healing?

Transference Healing practitioners have the flexibility to set their own fees, within a range determined by their level of qualification. Each practitioner will consider their experience and skill when setting a price for their Transference Healing sessions. Contact the healer to which you are drawn to find out more about their prices and offerings.

Can I experience a Transference Healing session remotely?

Because Transference Healing works on an etheric level, remote or absentee healings are just as effective, so you can work with a practitioner from anywhere in the world! If you prefer in-person sessions, you can review the country and location of all our healers to find a practitioner near you.

Whether experiencing a remote or in-person session, your practitioner will provide you with a detailed reading about what came up during your session. If you have booked a remote healing, your healing practitioner will share this information with you by phone, online video communication, or by providing you with a recorded audio clip.

What qualifications should I look for in a healer or teacher?

All healers featured on this page have completed the Transference Healing Fundamental and Advanced Trainings with Alexis, and are certified to offer Transference Healing sessions, in-person or remotely.

All healers with the ‘Certified Practitioner & Teacher’ icon are qualified to teach the Fundamental Training, for in-person attendance. Some are also qualified to teach the Beyond Doorways, Animal Magic, Child of Light and Alchemy workshops, for in-person attendance. Check out their bios to learn more.

All healers with the ‘Certified Practitioner & Advanced Training Teacher’ icon have completed all trainings and Mystery Schools with Alexis, and are qualified to teach the Advanced Training, for in-person attendance.

All healers and teachers on this website have attended training revisions with Alexis Cartwright every two years. There are a vast number of certified Transference Healing practitioners and teachers who are not featured on this website. For your peace of mind, when choosing a Transference Healing practitioner or teacher, always ensure they are appropriately certified. If in doubt, please feel free to contact us for confirmation.


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Gillian Barclay Cooma Read More
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The heart is the key to moving forward into the new paradigm that is birthing on planet earth!

My soul’s calling is to assist people to reconnect, open and empower themselves to live from their hearts in everyday life. To reconnect back to their true essence!  Reignite the  magic and joy of living once again from an open, courageous and loving heart, no longer being guided by your fears, and having the trust and faith to follow your hearts calling. When you follow and open more of your heart, love for thyself and others starts to birth, and love is the most powerful energy in the universe. From this newfound love within your heart, you can come into oneness with yourself, each other and with all that is, living in higher consciousness on planet Earth!

I have been on the spiritual path in this lifetime for more than 25 years, and have met many challenges and initiations to self-master and embody more of my higher self.

Along my spiritual path, I have trained under very enlightened teachers, and have participated in Shamanic/spiritual journeys to sacred sites around the world. My spiritual journey has been a path of empowerment, self-discovery, and the opening of my heart to reconnect back to the light.

My real soul growth and evolution occurred for me, when I started facing and clearing the inner traumas, wounds and pain from my inner child and current and past lifetimes.

Through my journey of self-mastery and healing, I also want to assist people to live by their authentic truth, learn how to self-heal, and feel more empowered to create a life from their heart (The Next Golden Age), here on Mother Earth!

If you would like to create a heart-conscious living reality and step into the new Earth frequency that is birthing on Mother Earth, while being empowered to do so, I would be honoured and blessed to support you on your journey back to your heart, birthing more of your authentic truth!

Love ‘n Light,


For more information please contact me at:

m: +61 400 621 557


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Advanced Training

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-5.

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Joel Noffke Sydney Read More
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The Transference Healing journey for me has been such a beautiful reconnection to the Universe and all of her majesty in everything that is.

I have always had very big questions about life and our evolutionary process since being a child. After reading Beyond Doorways, I was blown away with the amount of ah-ha truth moments in every page of the book. I knew I had to know more!

As well as being a Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, I work as a pilot and I feel very grateful to have been introduced to Alexis and Transference Healing as an amazing path for empowerment, ascension, and self-healing that everyone has access to. Being touched by the light and feeling that in your body and being again has been such a precious gift, and of course, the life-long learning journey continues.

I would love to share the life-changing magic of Transference Healing with you.

I am available for One-on-One Sessions and Absentee Healings, as well as having the honour to offer facilitation of your own self-healing journey in learning the procedures involved for a full Transference Healing.

Thank you

m: +61 422 467 884



I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Advanced Training

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-5.

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Kay Bowden Sydney Read More
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I am available for in-person and remote healing sessions. I also facilitate Transference Healing workshops and trainings.

For bookings and enquiries please contact me on:

m: +61 428 220 054



I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Advanced Training
  • Beyond Doorways 1 & 2 Workshops
  • Animal Magic Workshop
  • Child of Light Workshop
  • Child of Light Meditation Workshop
  • Alchemy Workshop

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-5.

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Laverne Proctor Seaforth Read More
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Coming from a Corporate background, I was always looking for ways to maintain good health and internal balance. My hobbies from an early age took me on a journey of exploring Meditation, Affirmation, and Philosophy. I studied Parapsychology and Kinesiology. I was ready to accelerate my personal and spiritual growth when I found Transference Healing. It has taught me how to heal myself & my family. It’s created a sense of self with more peace and the clarity to keep moving forward in a more divinely guided way. I see this reflected in my clients too.

A large part of my life was pursuing what spirituality meant to me. By age 30, I was looking for answers to the BIG questions: What’s life about? Who am I? Why am I here? What’s my purpose?

I stumbled on Transference Healing and decided to give it a try. Since then, I have created a deep healing process, transforming all aspects of my life. I work with others and share my experiences, and with my wisdom of Transference Healing, I now show others how to feel empowered to work with Transference Healing for themselves. The feedback I get is Transference Healing works! And I see how it supports others to change something that’s no longer working for them, grow personally and spiritually, tapping into and embody their healing process. If you want to change something that is no longer working for you, feel free to call me if you would like to experience Transference Healing.

I am available for one-on-one sessions in person & absentee, and I teach all the one-day workshops & foundation training.
I look forward to connecting with you.

Lots of Love,


m:  +61 411 728 866



I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Advanced Training
  • Beyond Doorways 1 & 2 Workshops
  • Animal Magic Workshop
  • Child of Light Workshop
  • Child of Light Meditation Workshop
  • Alchemy Workshop

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-5.

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Lisa-Maree Botticelli Mosman Read More
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As a Transference Healing Certified Teacher, I am available for One-on-One Sessions and Absentee Healings.

For more information, please contact me at:

m: 0434 489 751



I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training.

I have completed Beyond Doorways 1 & 2, Child of Light Workshops.

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Melinda Langford Minchinbury Read More
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As a seeker of universal truth, on the quest to heal and empower myself, I have studied and practiced a few different modalities.
I now realise these were the building blocks, preparing and leading me toward what was yet to come. This was the day I was introduced to Transference Healing.

Transference Healing is so powerful and has had such a profound impact; some that I would like to share here. It has taught me how to balance myself in a world of duality.
It has supported me to develop a stronger sense of self, restore my faith and trust, and reconnect to the Feminine Principle.
It has helped me open my heart, and to feel and see what pure unconditional love for myself really is. Transference Healing has helped me to understand and use my power, both personally and spiritually, in a more constructive way. Most importantly, it has helped me remember my light and how to hold it.

I have learnt to hold an unconditional loving space for myself as I continue to heal and grow, and now I can hold that same space for others through their own healing and empowerment journey.

As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, I am available for One-on-One Sessions and Absentee Healings.

For more information please contact me at:

m: +61439 262 247


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-4.

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Nina Carrozzo Brighton le Sands Read More
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I would like to introduce myself simply as Nina. As a child I knew there was more to what I was being told. With a Catholic upbringing, I just could not understand why Mary, the Mother of Jesus was ‘just a mother,’ why Mary Magdalene was portrayed, as a sinner and why a Nun was called a ‘Nun’?” During my developing years I never found the answers to my questions and by the age of 14 I had completely shut down and decided to try to just fit into this world that I had been born into. But the questions and the sense that there was more to the story of creation – never left me.

I entered into the corporate world as an accountant/ project analyst and for 15 years this was my life, my identity – My favourite saying being “Numbers never lie, but they do tell a great story.”

In November 1999, on a family holiday in Hawaii with the support from my loving husband I decided to leave the corporate world and focus on myself and our beautiful family. For three years I searched for the person I had lost so many years ago. I even went back and studied a “new career” of events management and marketing to try and fill the void in my life…

After coming back from a trip to Europe in 2004, which I now know was a gift from Spirit. I was told by Spirit that I was to learn “Meditation”.

It is through my heart that God/ Goddess has chosen to work through me, from the point of disconnection at the age of 14 to the point of reconnection when I receive my first Transference Fundamental Healing in 2006. The magic of Transference energy began to weave and transform my life. Doorways began to open and I rediscovered the person I knew I was and began to live my life from my heart and received the greatest gift of all…

The ANSWERS to the questions that I asked so many years ago…  I found HOME.

I thank you for letting me share my story and I invite all those who wish to experience the magic of Transference and to live the life all of us are meant to live, please contact me for further information regarding personal healing sessions and absentee healings. I am also available to facilitate the Transference Healing Fundamental Training, and the Beyond Doorways 1 & 2, Animal Magic and Child of Light workshops.

Blessings to all

Nina Carrozzo

m:  +61 435 503 017



I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Advanced Training
  • Beyond Doorways 1 & 2 Workshops
  • Animal Magic Workshop
  • Child of Light Workshop
  • Child of Light Meditation Workshop
  • Alchemy Workshop

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-5.

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Noelia Tejada Maroubra Read More
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Hi, I’m Noelia, and I’m deeply committed to personal & spiritual growth, healing, and transformation.

My journey of self-discovery has led me from Yoga and Reiki to Holistic Counselling, Astrology, and Transference Healing.
I am grateful for the guidance and wisdom of my teachers, that is every person I’ve met, and experience I’ve had.

I believe that we are both students and teachers in a journey of individual transformation.
As we grow and change, we not only enrich our own lives but also contribute to the evolution of those around us.

Today, I am deeply honoured to offer a safe & sacred space where I can share the transformative tools that have guided me on my own journey.
My genuine wish is for these tools to serve and empower you on your own path of self-mastery and transformation.

As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, I am available for One-on-One Sessions, Absentee Healings and Training.

Hari Om Tat Sat
May the illumination of your practice continuously remind you of your divinity

For more information, please contact me at:

m:  +61 481 901 905



I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
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Regina Saidor Bellevue Hill Read More
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As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, I am available for One-on-One Sessions and Absentee Healings.

For more information, please contact me at:

m: +61 404 498 774


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-4.

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Sharon Jenkins Caringbah Read More
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I would be honored to be of service to you by facilitating your own sacred journey of reconnection to good health, joy, clarity, purpose and the divine essence of who you are. I offer Transference Healing sessions, Fundamentals, Beyond Doorways and Animal Magic workshops.

As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, I am available for One-on-One Sessions and Absentee Healings.

I wish to convey my deep gratitude for discovering Transference Healing, and the many blessings I have received through Alexis, and the guides of the spirit realms that oversee these teachings.

I have been actively seeking ways to reconnect with my eternal essence, the part of me that is in resonance with the crystals, flowers, ocean, sun, moon and all that is – my whole life. My journey has walked me along the path of natural therapies. I study and teach yogic practices, massage therapy and other healing modalities. When I had my first Transference Healing session, the experience was so profound I immediately booked in to do the Fundamental Training.

As I took my time to practice and integrate these teachings, I gradually began embodying higher frequencies, releasing, healing and evolving. My continuing journey through the Transference Healing Diamond Pyramid of Light is magical, challenging and empowering; so much more than these words can reflect.

I would be honoured to be of service to you by facilitating your own sacred journey of re-connection to good health, joy, clarity, purpose and the divine essence of who you are. I offer Transference Healing sessions, Fundamentals, Beyond Doorways and Animal Magic workshops.

Love and Blessings


m: +61 416 470 105



I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Beyond Doorways 1 & 2 Workshops
  • Animal Magic Workshop
  • Alchemy Workshop

I have completed Mystery School 1.

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Tanja Hodgson Kellyville Read More
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I would like to take a moment to reflect on the magic, that Transference Healing has brought to my life.  From a young age I was very spiritual and always felt connected to the earth and all her elements. However I struggled with issues of self-worth that developed into eating disorders, abusive relationships and the eventual loss of my connection to Spirit. At age 20 dis-ease entered my life and I researched various alternative therapies such as chakra, crystal and colour healing therapies, as well as yoga and iridology, with the hope of finding more answers, than what modern medicine could provide.

Fortunately, Transference Healing came into my life during my mid-twenties, by which time illness had forced me to stop work and re-evaluate how I was living, with a focus on the way I was using my energy. Through regular healings and the support of my Transference Teacher, I was able to heal on both a physical and emotional level. Spiritually, the energies in Transference Healing empowered me to reconnect to Gaia and live in the truth of who I really am.

I had always felt drawn to the power of magic and believe in our ability to heal ourselves. Alexis’s teachings gave me insight into my illness, plus the ability to heal all aspects of my mind, body and spirit. In all the therapies I had studied, none offered the depth of healing like this modality. Transference provided me with scientific explanations that my analytical mind could understand, tools to make the necessary changes occur, along with the energy my spiritual self had been longing for. Transference rekindled the spark within and enabled my reconnection to Spirit and the very essence of life itself.

Creating a balance between my corporate career and spiritual awakening has been challenging, although it is so much easier now that I have learn’t to trust in the universe and surrender to the divine synchronicity of life!  Running the energy of Transference Healing has provided clarity around my Soul’s purpose in this life. My work in Architecture has been given new direction, with my dreams of using my skills to enhance the life and health of a buildings occupants realised.

The teachings by Alexis enabled me to better understand myself, and it gave me all the tools necessary to make and sustain positive changes in my life. It has helped me to recognise and clear patterning in relation to my Chiron wounding and genetic lineage, so that I am now able to create the life I love, with people I love. The added benefit of this modality is that the energy has a ripple effect within my family, so that when I clear an aspect of my patterning, or wounding it is also cleared for my daughter, too. This is due to the connection we share within our genetic lineage.  In this way, by helping myself I am also able to help my family.

The transformation that Transference Healing has enabled me to make in my life is so remarkable that I felt compelled to step into the Teacher role. In this way I can be of service to humanity by assisting all souls through their empowerment and ascension process, so that they too are able to get through times of intense struggle in their journey of self discovery and enlightenment.

I thank you for reading my profile and I am honoured to give you the gift from Spirit, these healings and workshops channelled by Alexis provide.  Please feel free to contact me for further information on the services I provide. Blessed Be.

With Love and Light,


m: +61 413 235 767


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Advanced Training
  • Beyond Doorways 1 & 2 Workshops
  • Animal Magic Workshop
  • Child of Light Workshop
  • Child of Light Meditation Workshop
  • Alchemy Workshop

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-5.

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Blazenka Bradley Sutherland Read More
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As a Transference Healing Certified Practitioner, I am available for One-on-One Sessions and Absentee Healings.

For more information, please contact me at:

m: +61411 286 265


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Jessi Cooper Mulwala Read More
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As a Transference Healing Certified Practitioner, I am available for One-on-One Sessions and Absentee Healings.

For more information, please contact me at:

m: +61 421 344 158






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Lisa Harvey Sydney South Read More
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As a Transference Healing Certified Practitioner, I am available for Absentee Healings.

For more information, please contact me at:

m: +61414 294 849


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Nanci Bradley Sydney Read More
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As a Transference Healing Certified Practitioner, I am available for One-on-One Sessions and Absentee Healings.

For more information, please contact me at:


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Alfreda Neradil Gold Coast Read More
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Since I was a little child, I had an innate knowing that we could heal ourselves. To me it was the most natural thing in the world. I also knew that we didn’t need to age, and that if we chose to, we needn’t experience a physical death! I never spoke about this to anyone else, because even as a child I knew that what I knew was not normal to everyone else around me. I didn’t understand how I knew these things, but I had this deep inner knowing that I trusted. Now in my later years I understand that I have retained memories from past lifetimes where self-rejuvenation, regeneration and revitalisation on a sub-atomic cellular level were normal. We are now at a time when these abilities are returning to us.

I spent many years working in the corporate arena, but as time went by I questioned my life’s purpose, and I knew without a doubt it had something to do with healing; but what modality could it be. There was nothing ‘out there’ that resonated with me, so I continued my career in the corporate world, at the same time working on my own path of self-love to create balance on a physical, mental, emotional and ultimately spiritual level.

In 2008 I was guided to move to Mt Tamborine in Queensland, and within two weeks I discovered Transference Healing, or should I say rediscovered it as it was like reconnecting with an old friend.

Time and time again I have witnessed first-hand the shifts made by clients immediately after a healing, or I would receive a testimonial from them days later about how they continued to feel energetic shifts and changes within their physical, emotional and mental bodies. Even after all the healings I have facilitated, I am still in awe at the profound impact of this modality.

As a certified Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, I not only facilitate one-to-one healing sessions and absentee healings (never doubt that these are just as powerful as a face-to-face), I also facilitate Transference workshops – Beyond Doorways, Animal Magic, Child of Light and Fundamentals. I will travel within Australia or globally to facilitate any of these workshops (a minimum number of workshop attendees would be required).

When we truly take care of ourselves, by our very actions we are taking care of all others.  It is my absolute honour to be of service to all who venture my way during these extraordinary times.

Many Blessings


For more information please contact me at:

m:   +61 411 291 970


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Advanced Training
  • Beyond Doorways 1 & 2 Workshops
  • Animal Magic Workshop
  • Child of Light Workshop
  • Child of Light Meditation Workshop
  • Alchemy Workshop

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-5.

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Annie Wheeling Sunshine Coast Read More
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I worked with many different energy/healing modalities prior to being introduced to Alexis in 1997.
I then went on to train with her and in the early years of Transference Healing I assisted Alexis as her ‘Sponsor’ on Tamborine Mountain, at my Gallery, Crystal Inspirations and Healing Centre.
I also sponsored her in Melbourne, Brisbane, and the Sunshine Coast. It was an exciting and inspiring time, and I am very grateful for the opportunity Alexis gave me.

My first ‘awakening’ experience happened in 1977 when I was introduced to Bach Flower Essences. In 1984 Lismore, NSW, I had a ‘crystal awakening’ with an Aventurine tumbled stone. This activated an opening to my Lemurian linage, the Crystal Kingdom, and my love and commitment to Mother Gaia and her elemental kingdoms.

Because of my resonance with vibrational essences and crystal frequencies I am passionate about working with the Transference Healing Lightbody Kit, teaching others through the creation of divination readings and essences from the Kit. I was instrumental in the creation of the LB Kit Book, in terms of the crystal images.

I am currently living back on the Sunshine Coast, in SE Queensland, where I am available for Transference Healing sessions in person, absentee online via zoom, workshops and trainings.

A passion and gift which has manifested for me through working with this modality is my Sacred Circle Healing Meditations.  These are facilitated monthly in Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast, in person, online via zoom and absentee and a recording is available for all who participate. As I hold a space for those attending, channelled Transference Healing frequencies and procedures and universal energies support those participating to shift their frequency and consciousness to align more to their Divine Blueprint and Divine Plan for Ascension, self-healing, and self-mastery. Being in a state of stillness and receptivity to their I AM Presence and Spirit brings such a deep state of grace and inner peace. At the completion of each meditation, we unify our energies and step into service to Mother Gaia and Humanity.

For more information, please contact me at:

m:  +61 428 454 448



I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Beyond Doorways 1 & 2 Workshops
  • Animal Magic Workshop
  • Child of Light Workshop
  • Child of Light Meditation Workshop
  • Alchemy Workshop

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-2.

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April Nicholls Fraser Coast and Greater Gympie Regional Area Read More
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As a child, you would always find me playing outside. I loved nature and all she had to offer. I loved any type of plants and animals. I would imagine myself flying around the yard on a Pegasus or galloping through the enchanted forests on a Unicorn. I’d stop to talk to Fairies and the animals around me. Butterflies, dogs, cats, frogs and even snakes held conversation with the small child living on their land. I’ve always known there was something, more than what we could just see in front of us. I loved Mother Earth and all that she encompasses.

As an adult, my love for nature and Mother Earth continued. However, I always felt something was missing. I experienced a huge amount of grief after the passing of a loved one in late 2017. In early 2018, I came across Transference Healing and began my self-healing journey. I started by receiving healings from my Transference Healing teacher, then went on to take the Fundamental training. A year later I took the Advanced and Teacher training. I am now committed to my self-healing journey and use tools I’ve learned daily. It is a way of life for me now. I’ve also realised that worlds and realms I played in as a child do exist, and the light beings that live there want to assist us on this journey to heal ourselves and Mother Earth. I’ve realised that we as humans, as well as the Universe, hold both Feminine and Masculine energies, and that in order to heal and ascend in consciousness we need to balance these. In a world where we have been taught to disregard the Feminine Principle and our intuition, this can be challenging.

It would be my absolute honour to utilise the tools of Transference Healing to support and assist you on your own self-healing journey. Please feel free to contact me if you feel guided to do so.

Thank you for taking the time to read a little about my journey.

Love, light and many blessings

April Nicholls

m: +61 458 395 479


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
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Jeng Maria-Elena Erzenjak Nundah, Brisbane Read More
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As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, I am available for in-person and remote healing sessions. I also facilitate Transference Healing workshops and trainings.

For more information, please contact me at:

m: +61 416 725 158


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Advanced Training
  • Beyond Doorways Workshop
  • Animal Magic Workshop
  • Child of Light Workshop
  • Child of Light Teacher Meditation Workshop
  • Alchemy Workshop

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-5.

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Joel Noffke Sunshine Coast Read More
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The Transference Healing journey for me has been such a beautiful reconnection to the Universe and all of her majesty in everything that is.

I have always had very big questions about life and our evolutionary process since being a child.  After reading Beyond Doorways, I was blown away with the amount of ah-ha truth moments in every page of the book. I knew I had to know more!

As well as being a Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, I work as a pilot and I feel very grateful to have been introduced to Alexis and Transference Healing, as an amazing path for empowerment, ascension, and self-healing that everyone has access to.  Being touched by the light and feeling that in your body and being again has been such a precious gift, and of course, the life-long learning journey continues.

I would love to share the life-changing magic of Transference Healing with you.

I am available for One-on-One Sessions and Absentee Healings, as well as having the honour to offer facilitation of your own self-healing journey in learning the procedures involved for a full Transference Healing.

Thank you

m: +61 422 467 884



I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Advanced Training

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-5.

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Matthew Noffke Coothabara Read More
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Being an architect, I naturally value space. Transference Healing has given me a space to grow, a space filled with love and happiness, and a space where I have learnt to delve deep within, not only myself, but also the universe.

From a young age, I enjoyed being outside. The soil, water, trees, wind and waves made me feel something that I could not entirely explain. I felt as though I was connected to something, something much larger than myself, something that made me feel, joy.  Maintaining a strong and honest connection to something – we might not entirely understand – is in most instances, difficult. Our energetic distortions create barriers, barriers that can turn a life based on faith and trust – one filled with kindness and love – to one filled with pain and despair.

Transference Healing has given me the tools to help me work through my own internal distortions, to help me see, view and interpret my reality in a profoundly different way.  It has helped me to understand. The teachings and guidance provided by Transference Healing has drastically changed my life, it has changed my state of being.

I welcome the opportunity to share Transference Healing with you.

With blessings,

Matthew Noffke

For more information please contact me at:

m:  +61 411 633 797



I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Advanced Training
  • Beyond Doorways 1 & 2 Workshops
  • Animal Magic Workshop
  • Child of Light Workshop
  • Child of Light Meditation Workshop
  • Alchemy Workshop

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-5.

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Sarah Chicalas Emerald Read More
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Over the past 10 years I have been on a personal self-discovery and healing journey to shift my consciousness and reawaken my soul: every day, doing the inner work to make changes and peel back the layers and masks to live a more holistic lifestyle, which has led me to find my passion and voice. This journey has opened me up to explore and experience this incredible life transformation.

In December 2012, I decided to start my journey to becoming a Practitioner by enrolling in the Transference Healing® Fundamental Training. This was the start of my spiritual awakening.

My own struggles with past trauma and mental health challenges have driven me to seek alternative modalities for support. From experiencing the depths of depression to grappling with thoughts of suicide, I understand the desire to escape and the need for healing.

Now, as a practitioner, I’m here to support, guide, and witness others to reach their full potential in their awakening and empowerment process. In February 2022, I graduated and am now a qualified Transference Healing® Practitioner and Teacher. I am available for One-to-One Healings, Absentee Healings, Trainings & Workshops.

If you would like to know more or are interested in receiving a Transference Healing® session, please reach out by phone, email, or my social media channels.

m: +61 429 948 105



I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training


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Jenny Major Tamborine Mountain, Gold Coast Read More
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Transference Healing is a profound and transformational healing and ascension modality.It has been my privilege to provide sessions for many clients over many years.
Throughout this time I have witnessed the amazing changes that are possible. It is with joy and a humble heart that as we come together in the frequency of the Transference Healing energy that magic occurs.

Now is the time to allow yourself the opportunity to heal, to clear whatever is holding you back, to live the life you deserve and allow yourself to shine.

As a registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, I am available for One-on-One Sessions and Absentee Healings.

For more information please contact me at:

m: +61 409 485 384


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Advanced Training
  • Beyond Doorways 1 & 2 Workshops
  • Animal Magic Workshop
  • Child of Light Workshop
  • Child of Light Meditation Workshop
  • Alchemy Workshop

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-5.

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Sandy Rogers South Side (Gympie) Read More
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As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, I am available for in-person and absentee healing sessions. I also facilitate Transference Healing workshops and trainings.

Welcome, please call or email me to learn more about what I do.

Many Blessings,


m:  +61 402 242 905


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Beyond Doorways 1 & 2 Workshops
  • Animal Magic Workshop
  • Child of Light Workshop
  • Child of Light Meditation Workshop
  • Alchemy Workshop

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-5.

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Athena Gregory Melbourne Read More
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Athena Gregory is a registered TH practitioner with Advanced & Teacher certification. She is also a TH Mystery School graduate.

She lives in Melbourne, Australia and is a teacher, educational coach, author, and editor.

She is also a mother of two grown-up sons and has recently become a grandmother.

As an intuitive reader and healer, Athena has run meditation circles for over 20 years as well as facilitated personal & spiritual development workshops and programs.

She now offers 1:1 Full TH sessions in person or online via Zoom or WhatsApp, which she finds very effective and rewarding for her and her clients.

You can contact her by email or message her directly.

m: +61 417 316 131


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-4.


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Kylie O’Hanlon Melbourne Read More
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In divine service to Mother Earth and all her life.  

As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, I am available for in-person and remote healing sessions.

For more information please contact me at:

m: +61 431 648 841


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Advanced Training
  • Beyond Doorways 1 & 2 Workshops
  • Animal Magic Workshop
  • Child of Light Workshop
  • Child of Light Meditation Workshop
  • Alchemy Workshop

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-5.

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Lisa Pavlic Melbourne Read More
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As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, I am available for in-person and absentee healing sessions.

For more information please contact me at:

m: +61 400 852 612


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
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Katrina Horn Melbourne Read More
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Katrina Horn supports families of “high-needs” children with neuropsychiatric and neuro-developmental challenges. She is passionate about helping people with the physiological, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual causes of neurological challenges. She uses her unique combination of skills and modalities – Transference Healing Teacher-level, homeopathy, and gemmotherapy plant stem cell therapy to support the ‘whole’ family to connect back into their highest potential. She lives with her two children, husband and two cats in Melbourne, Australia.

Katrina came to energy healing and homeopathy through her own children’s struggle with PANS, and ended up getting what felt like a “PhD in PANS” as her oldest child tried seemingly every treatment method possible with no response. It was not until Katrina discovered energy healing and homeopathy that deep and permanent healing began for her family, and they are now thriving.

She was drawn to Transference Healing to support her own family and other Starseed families. She has found that families experiencing neurological challenges are often highly psychically gifted. Supporting these extra-sensory talents and patterns also supports the physical immune and neurological systems.

Transference Healing’s unique ability to support electromagnetic alignment, energetic boundaries, the lightbody, and to re-pattern trauma from early life and past-lives (including higher-dimensions) assists families to move onto their highest healing pathway in this lifetime. It also supports families to access their greater purpose and to experience all that they have.

Transference Healing has completely opened her own intuitive and healing skills, and that of her family. She regularly performs healings on her family to maintain the flow of family life, to support everyone to access their highest soul expression, and to work through any resistance to manifesting this in our current reality.

She is passionate about the role of “spiritual initiations” though health challenges to support the ascension path, and enjoys guiding others through this process.

She has experience with PANS/PANDAS, Autism, ADD/ADHD, SPD, OCD, tics, Pathological Demand Avoidance, POTS, CIRS, MCAS, vaccine injury, food intolerances and auto-immune diseases.

m:  +61 431 074 814


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-4.

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Melissa Barras Bendigo Read More
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Throughout my life, I have always felt we are part of something bigger, and that there is more than just this one physical existence. When I found Transference Healing, it helped me understand this more, and connect it all together.

I love to share the wisdom I am learning with people who share the same curiosity, as me.

Outside of Transference Healing, I have a beautiful, supportive family and a full-time management role.

For more information please contact me at:

m: +61 414 975 461


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Advanced Training

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-5.

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Michelle Rayson Echuca Read More
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Welcome, I am Michelle.

It would be a divine honour to connect with you through my Holy Sophia Creation Portal at Crystal Grid Holistic Healing Echuca, where I work as a full-time Certified Transference Healing®️ Practitioner, Workshop Teacher, and Mystery School Level 5 Healing Ascension Facilitator.

I facilitate Transference Healing®️ Practitioner Services one-on-one or by remote participation. All Workshop training is conducted one-on-one.

Rest in your heart with this realisation …

It is by profoundly honouring your internal awakening of your soul’s journey and rites of passage on this earth plane to understand, “It’s not what you’re going through, but how you choose to navigate and heal your processes through it.”  Through deep inner healing and a recognition of these cycles, you awaken and transcend your soul.

Blessings of love light and peace,


m: +61 429 043 923


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Advanced Training
  • Beyond Doorways 1 & 2 Workshops
  • Animal Magic Workshop
  • Child of Light Workshop
  • Child of Light Meditation Workshop
  • Alchemy Workshop

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-5.

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Nicole Fowler Bendigo Read More
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Hi, it’s lovely to meet you.  My name is Nicole and it would be an honour to work with you.  I am a mother, and lover of life, catalyst of change, a spiritual Counsellor, Kinesiologist, Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher.

My passion is the transformation of self through self-healing.  The more I learn and experience that we live in a multidimensional world where energy, frequency, alchemy, magic and other realms are key factors in our healing – the more I want to share this wisdom.

The healing modalities I have studied impact and empower every aspect of my life and those around me. The more I learn about multidimensional realities, technologies, energy, frequency, our etheric, electromagnetic and light body the more conscious I become of our profound abilities to self-heal and our innate potential to co-create our reality.

Transference Healing equips me with the tools, faith and trust to surrender and live life with ease and grace. I feel the magic and synchronicity weaving through my life and I see the ripple effect transforming not only my reality, but also my family. Transference Healing has birthed in me a deeper understanding and respect for ancient wisdom, past-lives and our intrinsic connection to the earth.

Our ability to shift pain, trauma and patterning is emphasised in the Transference procedures and workshops. This excites me and ignites my passion to support others on their path of self-healing and ascension.  Transference Healing procedures have taught me to observe my patterning, monitor my ego, check in with my intentions, detach, and operate from my heart-space.

My business Heartfelt Change incorporates the knowledge, experience, skills, gifts and talents acquired in my many years working in the service industry; from hospitality, youth work, family counselling, Kinesiology, Transference Healing to Red Tent sacred women’s circle facilitation.

No matter where you are on your path of self-enquiry and transformation, my friendly and non-judgemental nature will give you a sense of calm, allowing you to find clarity.

I work one-on-one with clients from my healing temple and offer absentee healing appointments, allowing you to experience healing from the comfort of your own home.  You will take from your session, practical self-healing techniques and strategies that you can introduce into your daily life, supporting you, on your path of transformation.

Allow me to support your reconnection to your heart and soul.

 “The longest journey you will make in your life, is from your head to your heart.”  – Sioux legend.

m: +61 409 529 752


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Beyond Doorways 1 & 2 Workshops
  • Animal Magic Workshop
  • Child of Light Workshop

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-2.

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Peita Carter Bendigo Read More
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As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, I am available for in-person and absentee healing sessions.

For more information please contact me at:

m: +61 409 855 835


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Advanced Training

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-5.

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Sarah Anderson Dingley Village Read More
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Registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher.

I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
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Sharyn Foley Traralagon Read More
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As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, I am available for in-person and absentee healing sessions.

For more information please contact me at:


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training

I have completed Mystery School 1

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Silvana Christy Shepparton Read More
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Registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher.

I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
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Sonja Pfitz Melbourne Read More
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As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner, I am available for in-person and absentee healing sessions.

For more information please contact me at:

m: +61423 657 367



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Lori Fahlam Fillmore, Saskatchewan Read More
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Hello, my name is Lori. I am a farmer and an energy worker. I was working as a Crystal Therapy Practitioner and also doing Reiki when I was introduced to Transference Healing.

I was immediately drawn to the energy and loved how deep it worked and on so many levels. I became a practitioner in February 2022, and a Teacher in 2023.
I am very passionate about helping people heal and look forward to many years of changing the world with our love and light!

As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, I am available for One-on-One Sessions and Absentee Healings.

For more information, please contact me at:


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
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Cheryl Cowie Toronto Read More
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As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, I am available for One-on-One Sessions and Absentee Healings.

For more information, please contact me at:


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-4.


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Ashana Karula Ra Newcastle Read More
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Transference Healing is my main modality & at the core of what I do. I am also trained in Antaneea bodywork, conscious connected breath-work, shamanic practices and more.

In my unique mentorship program, I share tools & techniques to help empower & amplify clients self-healing ability, which includes regular 1:1 Transference healings & culminates in the Fundamentals procedures of Transference Healing.

I run remote & in-person healings, group events & bespoke day retreats that bring sacred ceremony into modern day practice.

I work with those on the fast-track ascension path, who are committed to their spiritual growth & practice.

My former life was that of a scientist & medical doctor, but life circumstances catapulted me on to a journey of self-discovery.
It was this journey inwards where I reignited my belief in a divine plan & purpose. It instilled me with the faith that has got me through the numerous life challenges, that we all invariably must face.
Through facing difficulties head on & embracing the lessons, we can move more quickly & easily into a life full of magic & promise.

I currently live on the beautiful Northeast Coast, within a powerful, thriving & ever-expanding spiritual community.

I am here for the planet & to help in whatever small way I can.
When I am not running the energy; you will mostly find me hugging trees, stones & animals or loitering around sacred sites, old & new.

For more information please contact me at:

m:  +44 07 954 171 290

p:   +44 191 289 4555


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-4.


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Cate Arbeid Glastonbury, Somerset Read More
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Transference Healing has changed my life.
For years I ignored the whispering of spirit that had little place within my world of work and long-hours.
I always figured that the next project would make everything better, yet my soul was crying and my body breaking down.
Eventually I knew I had to change my life.

With ongoing ill-health, I walked away from a successful career, became a massage therapist, mastered in Reiki, and undertook numerous workshops. Still, nothing changed.

Then one November day, I came upon the book, “Beyond Doorways”, that inspired me to attend a presentation given by Alexis Cartwright about Transference Healing.
I must admit, I did not understand much of what I heard that evening, yet I sensed I had found the resonance I had been seeking and felt strangely at home.
This was when I, and my life, started to change.

Regular Transference Healing sessions strengthened me physically and inspired me to undertake the training that has supported me upon many levels, along with my re-connection to the transformational powers of nature.
Now it is a joy to be able to support others, as we each learn to take responsibility for the self-mastery that is the divine right of us all.

It is the sacred power of the Earth’s grid and its elemental energies that are the heart of the sessions I facilitate.
Here, within the environs of Glastonbury, soft mists rise from the warm, damp earth and waft across the lush green landscape that is home to the magic that is ready to be shared.

As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, I am available for One-on-One Sessions and Absentee Healings.

For more information please contact me at:



I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Advanced Training
  • Beyond Doorways 1 & 2 Workshops
  • Animal Magic Workshop
  • Child of Light Workshop
  • Child of Light Meditation Workshop
  • Alchemy Workshop

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-5.

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Dawn John Towersey, Oxfordshire Read More
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As a Chiron in Aquarius, in the Age of Aquarius, I am passionate about the journey to Unity Consciousness & Enlightenment. Mastering in myself & helping others take steps on their empowerment journey to sustain balance, holistic wellness & oneness in mind, body & spirit has been profound.

My healing space, the Aurora Hope Holistic Wellbeing Studio is situated at a unique frequency vortex location on the St Michael Gridline, part of the ancient Holy Grail Gridline.

The electro-magnetic frequency & elemental activity here makes it a very special location to release, purify & integrate electro-magnetic frequencies of light, necessary to co-create a reality more aligned to your destiny & purpose.

I am available for in-person and remote healing sessions. I also facilitate Transference Healing workshops and trainings.

I look forward to connecting with you soon.

Love, light & hope.

m: +44 7917 061 784


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Advanced Training
  • Beyond Doorways 1 & 2 Workshops
  • Animal Magic Workshop
  • Child of Light Workshop
  • Child of Light Meditation Workshop
  • Alchemy Workshop

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-5.

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Deborah de Vries Leicester Read More
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I’m proud and inspired to offer Transference Healings and teaching to all those who are drawn, either face to face or remotely.  Since I was led to this magical, profound and very powerful ‘energy’ in 2008, I have been guided by ‘it’ to change my life in ways that have resulted in greater peace, fulfilment and inner confidence. I love to help others find these – and other – life long gifts, too. 

specialise in helping women who are struggling in the perimenopausal stage of life.  By addressing all four areas of life – physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual and not simply the physical symptoms, I help women uncover and access the hidden power that is their birthright. This transformational power is usually hidden and then lost, by misunderstanding and fear of the process of menopause. Transference Healing and its technology has been and is fundamental to how I came to see this, and it is my joy and devotion to share. 

t:   +44 7748 595 565


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-4.

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Dee Delaney Bedfordshire Read More
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I once read, “the greatest blasphemy of all is not to be true to thyself”. These words resonated with the Christian in me; the impact on my BEING was profound.  I was not BEING true to my SELF and the realisation was painful. Then, having acknowledged that fact, I had to find the courage to make the changes in my life necessary to find out who I truly was ………to know thy SELF.

It is fair to say I experienced a dark night of the soul, though no-one would ever have known.  Despite the pain, I knew that I was blessed to have come to this point. My journey had started with an awakening during my Reiki initiation which had a profound effect on me, opening me up to psychic gifts I had suppressed. I then discovered Life Alignment and qualified as a practitioner. My self-healing and healings received by friends within the practice changed me to the point I could no longer function in my life. Once out of the dark, I found the strength and courage to change my life.

It was a thrilling experience discovering myself. Within weeks, I began teaching dance to children. That led to me teaching dance and drama to adults with physical, learning and emotional difficulties. I began to teach maths and english to children with learning difficulties, support adults with Autism, Aspergers, Cerebral Palsy and other challenges. I now reflect and recognise that I had been instrumental in healing, often with profound effects. We can all be healers in many different ways.

I still felt that it was my life purpose was to serve within a healing modality but knew I was not quite on the right path. I joined my friends at the Mind Body Spirit in London, and as I wandered around the exhibition I reached the Transference Healing® Stand. It was like I had been hit by a thunder bolt. It is a wonderful feeling, like being home.

Six weeks after my first Transference healing I made three major life changes in the space of 6 months. I think that human beings resist change more than anything. Transference Healing supported me to release fear and confusion and break through my illusions and restrictions at that time. Rather than resist change, I was compelled to act.

Through Transference Healing I have been guided and supported to continue to heal and clear. After 4 house moves in 2 years (that’s clearing for you!), I find myself living by a river, surrounded by the elements, with the therapy room I longed for. An additional plus is that everyone says I seem to be getting younger!

I know that my life will continue to change (as it is meant to) but feel so happy and honoured to be enveloped and serving within the arms of Transference Healing at such an important time of human and global change and awakening.

The energies of Transference Healing are empowering and transformative on both a physical and spiritual level. It would be my pleasure to facilitate and support you in a Transference healing. I am available for either in-person or remote healings. Please contact me on the details below.

t:   +44 1462 701 646

m: +44 7972 495 812

I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Beyond Doorways 1 & 2 Workshops
  • Animal Magic Workshop
  • Child of Light Workshop

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-4.

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Joanna Gill London Read More
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I always felt there must be more to life than what I was currently experiencing. Attending a few interesting spiritual courses, workshops and reading incredible books didn’t quite quench my thirst, nor did academic study or a career in the corporate world.

As more of my gifts began to manifest, I struggled with making sense of my inner world. This seemed to intensify external experiences which were, at times, deeply painful and overwhelming for a sensitive living and working in London.

During meditation, I was strongly guided to work with angels. I didn’t know this at the time, but it became very clear, with unmistakable synchronicity. I was drawn, without question, to study and immerse myself in angelic mystery schools of Lemuria and Atlantis for many years. Re-connecting to these Divine Light Beings changed my life, relationships and experiences of my inner and outer worlds in the most profound ways. Later, I learned this powerful and deeply humbling part of my journey laid firm foundations yet, was only the beginning.

Crystal clear guidance led me to Transference Healing® where I experienced the unique and direct frequencies through two ‘absentee’ healing sessions that were truly beyond words. My entire being was nourished and ignited on multiple levels which, until that point, had only ever been felt during deep meditative states.

Since becoming a certified Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, my journey has taken quantum leaps into self-mastery, embodiment, consciousness expansion and spiritual empowerment which continuously evolves.

My passion and soul mission is to encourage and empower people to remember the truth of who they really are, anchor more Love and Light into this earthly plane, help restore the balance of our Sacred Mother Earth, aid planetary Ascension and beyond …

As we release and clear old rigid structures, emotions, limitation, thought forms, genetic distortions, paradigms, we relax into trusting our heart intelligence, inner guidance and evolve into new ways of being.

Infinite Love & Light,




I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Beyond Doorways 1 & 2 Workshops

I have completed Mystery School 1-4.

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Karen Anderson Cheshire Read More
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As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, I am available for in-person and remote healing sessions.

Many Blessings,

Karen x

For more information please contact me at:



I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-4.

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Kate Burrow Twickenham Read More
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My interest in exploring the energy of the heart and stillness led me to teach Dru Yoga and Meditation. I discovered a place of belonging and inner knowing as it’s here we connect to our Higher Self.

I always knew there was something else I needed to assimilate, and that’s when Transference Healing found me.

I have experienced that everything is not just energy, but frequency, and how we have the power and tools to choose to raise our vibration and embody more light.

Transference Healing supports this on so many levels and literally creates a shift from one state of being to another; enabling you to take a step forward on your personal journey of ascension and purpose.

I love attuning with nature, the elements and animals, all under the guidance of the divine feminine energies.

As a registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, I am available for one-one sessions and absentee healings for yourself, pets or your business.

I look forward to supporting you on this blessed journey.

Love Kate X

m: +44 77 4878 5670


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
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Lisa Lucas London Read More
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Knowing yourself is an amazing journey of energetic self exploration and recent events on this planet may have triggered us to reflect deeper and look at life very differently.

Having been through an intense process of getting to know myself over the past 3 years, I can resonate with how daunting the start of this journey can feel.  For myself, I needed to work through the patterns of feeling less worthy than others, hiding my gifts and talents from the world, and allowing my identity of service to block my inner most needs.

These energy patterns were created from a challenging childhood and the projections of wider society. They defined me, or so I thought until my consciousness awakened!

The purity of Transference Healing has helped me to sit in my heart and to know myself from deep within and it is a truly wondrous experience. Life has changed for me beyond all recognition, and I would love to channel this energy for you.

I am available for remote and in person sessions.

m: +44 7702 792 343


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
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Luna Sun London Read More
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Luna Sun is a naturally gifted energy healer and spiritual teacher who possesses a deep passion for unravelling the mysteries of life and discovering universal truths. With over 15 years of global travel, she has explored various spiritual lineages and immersed herself in the study of both Eastern and Western mysteries, under the guidance of esteemed teachers and master healers. Her studies have encompassed disciplines such as Buddhism, fengshui, India Nadi leaves, reiki, tarot, astrology, life coach etc. Throughout her journey, Luna has encountered numerous spiritual teachers and master healers who consistently emphasized her destiny to serve others as a master healer and ascension facilitator.

Life is not always easy or straightforward. Having been raised and worked in China for nearly 30 years, Luna faced the challenges of cultural identity and family expectations, which compelled her to strive relentlessly to prove herself as a successful woman in her career. However, despite her achievements and financial prosperity, she felt a profound void within and a lack of true happiness. In 2012, she also experienced the Dark Night of the Soul, grappling with depression.

Through her healing journeys over decades, Luna has personally experienced various crises in health, relationships and finances, which have deepened her empathy and insight. In 2019, Luna encountered Transformational Healing (TH) in Glastonbury, UK. Instantly, she felt a profound resonance and a sense of returning home through this energy. Over five years of studying and practicing, Luna reawakened her divine gifts and talents in energy healing. She became the first Chinese TH Fundamental Training teacher capable of teaching in Mandarin.

Today, Luna Sun shares her wisdom and healing gifts with clients in both the United Kingdom and China. Her remarkable background in business and spirituality enables her to guide clients through challenges and help them find their own paths to fulfilment in daily life.

As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, she offers in-person and remote healing sessions, as well as Transference Healing training.  Additionally, Luna serves as a spiritual consultant, guiding individuals towards their own spiritual awakening.

For more information, please contact:

m: (+44)07 477 585 585


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training

I have completed Mystery School 1-4.

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Michelle Phillips Nottinghamshire Read More
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Passionate and deeply committed to my own spiritual growth and honouring Gaia, my healings radiate the purity and love that is being in the light.

Mine has been a journey to purify the pain of abuse. Wounding at a young age around abuse of power taught me to regain faith in myself, my strength, my sovereignty and brought out the warrioress energy in me. That helped me to know my will, to own my will and to fully come into the strength and power of my will, in integrity and balance. This warrioress energy filters down in to today, where I feel and radiate balance, calm and stillness, which has been templated into my space.

The difficult journey of protecting my boundaries, of learning to trust, and of overcoming those feelings of vulnerability has empowered me to honour myself in a deeply loving and pure way, and through healing the wounding, to open my heart on a deeper level to unconditional love for myself and for others. I have healed through my wounding and so can you.

With a connection to the Angelic worlds from birth, I am able to pull through their purity of light at times when it’s needed in support of those I work with.

m: +44 7847 610 392

t:   +44 1949 850 805


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Advanced Training

I have completed Mystery School 1-5.

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Melissa Astara Rose Glastonbury Read More
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I’m here to support you to awaken your Sacred Feminine power, activate your unique Soul essence, and align you to your Highest Purpose & Destiny. I have been on the conscious Spiritual & Soul journey for almost 15 years now and in my work, I support you to break through the fears, blocks, and limitations that are holding you back from manifesting your true Creative Potential, Power, Divine Purpose, and Sovereignty.

As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner & Teacher, I am available for in-person and absentee healing sessions. I also facilitate Transference Healing workshops and trainings.

With Blessings,




I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Beyond Doorways 1 & 2 Workshops
  • Animal Magic Workshop
  • Child of Light Workshop
  • Child of Light Meditation Workshop

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-4.

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Nareena-Gaia Mortimer Glastonbury, Somerset Read More
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As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, I am available for in-person and remote healing sessions. I also facilitate Transference Healing workshops and trainings.

t: +44 1458 897 227



I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Advanced Training
  • Beyond Doorways 1 & 2 Workshops
  • Animal Magic Workshop
  • Child of Light Workshop
  • Child of Light Meditation Workshop
  • Alchemy Workshop

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-5.

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Nicole Scarab London Read More
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My own spiritual path began as an adolescent through astrology, yoga, tarot and then later, Jungian archetypes. I undertook various trainings to understand the nature of the unconscious mind and altered states of consciousness.

I trained in numerous healing modalities such as Family and Systemic Constellations, Soul Genesis Akashic Healing, Kundalini Yoga, Theta Healing and became a Reiki Master. I was drawn to work as an ‘Ayahuascera’, trained in the Peruvian Shipibo tradition, with members of the Mahua and Arévalo families for 15 years ,whereby the use of altered states and herbalism, coupled with intuitive sound frequency activation is utilised for healing. Over that time I facilitated and led healing retreats in Europe, throughout North, Central and South America and in Africa.

I also pursued higher education in clinical hypnosis, psychiatry and psychology, with a research background focusing on microdosing psychedelics for psychiatric practice.

And yet there was still some missing piece for me, whereby I needed to somehow bridge science with mysticism.

Once I experienced Transference Healing and Alexis Cartwright’s teachings, it was like a life-long thirst that could never be quenched was finally satiated. A reconnection to the light that I was unable to find elsewhere. And a deep re-remembering of my true self.

This is now the sole healing modality I work with to support my clients for their spiritual growth, together with 1:1 mentoring.

I am available for 1:1 absentee healing sessions.

For more information, please contact me at:



I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Advanced Training

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-5.

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Sheila Clay Rutland Read More
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As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, I am available for in-person and remote healing sessions. I also facilitate Transference Healing trainings.


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Beyond Doorways 1 & 2 Workshops
  • Animal Magic Workshop
  • Child of Light Workshop
  • Child of Light Meditation Workshop
  • Alchemy Workshop

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-4.

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Tiffeny Hildick Staffordshire Read More
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As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, I am available for in-person and absentee healing sessions.

m: +44 7478 455 556


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-4.

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Tracy Saqladi Leicestershire Read More
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Since I was guided to Transference Healing my life has completely transformed, I experienced profound healing, my gifts and talents came through and I was guided to live my life in line with my highest soul destiny and purpose. Today I live a happy healthy empowered life full of love, light, and gratitude.

As a registered Transference Healing practitioner and life mentor, it would be my pleasure to inspire, guide, and empower you on your own unique soul journey.
I look forward to connecting with you.

Tracy x

For more information please contact me at:

m: +44 7854 928 053


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-4.

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Kamaljot Hunjan High Wycombe, Bucks Read More
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As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, I am available for in-person and remote healing sessions. I also facilitate Transference Healing trainings and workshops.


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Beyond Doorways 1 & 2 Workshops
  • Child of Light Workshop
  • Alchemy Workshop

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-4.

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Nicola Brettell-Smith Fordingbridge, Hampshire Read More
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As a Transference Healing Certified Teacher, I am available for One-on-One Sessions and Absentee Healings.

For more information, please contact me at:

m: +447 852 582 190


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Shahira Moola Surrey Read More
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Registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher.

I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Beyond Doorways 1 & 2 Workshops
  • Animal Magic Workshop
  • Child of Light Workshop

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-4.

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Angela Morgan Lutterworth Read More
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As a Transference Healing Certified Practitioner, I am available for One-on-One Sessions and Absentee Healings.

For more information, please contact me at:


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Angelique Lansley Rugby Read More
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As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner, I am available for for One-on-One Sessions and Absentee Healings.

For more information, please contact me at:

m: +44 07 715 420 304


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Corinna Mainberger Stroud, Gloucestershire Read More
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As a Transference Healing Certified Practitioner, I am available for One-on-One Sessions and Absentee Healings.

For more information, please contact me at:

m: +44 1453 298 543


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Pascale Barbaud Paris Read More
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Ascension Guide & Transformational Mentor, my joy is to contribute to the emergence of a new generation of Lightworkers, to encourage women to embody their leadership, and to participate in the return of Christ Consciousness to Earth.

After 30 years dedicated to my own process of healing and transformation, as well as to accompanying change, it was in 2019 that I was informed that my role of service was to shift.
This is when everything in my life changed, and I was guided towards the modality of Transference Healing.
Then begins a fantastic epic, during which I grew every day in the Unknown, the Unpredictable and the Void. Whilst I only understood this later, in reality, I was going through a multidimensional awakening.
Surrender and trust became the new challenge. In this state, everything becomes possible, everything becomes magic, everything becomes fluid.

With my Chiron in Pisces, it is with great pleasure that I will show you how you too can learn to offer yourself to Spirit and place yourself in the arms of the Goddess, in order to fully honour your mission of service, in lightness, unfailing devotion and a rediscovered faith.
Whatever stage of your journey you are at, I know Transference Healing can really make a difference.

I look forward to welcoming you one day soon, if you are called, in France, on the grid of the City of Lights.

As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, I am available for One-on-One Sessions and Absentee Healings.

For more information, please contact me at:

m: +33 0635 144 661


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
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Ramona Bousquet Revel, Haute Garonne Read More
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As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner, I am available for for One-on-One Sessions and Absentee Healings.

For more information, please contact me at:

m: +33 648 449 254



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Elaine Cammish Kilkenny Read More
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Let’s just say my journey to this space hasn’t exactly been straight forward!  This is the case for many of us, who are awakening to the truth within our hearts.  Life placed plenty of obstacles in my path to “wake me up”, so to speak.  I eventually listened.  When I say listened – I mean I listened to my heart, my intuition, my higher guidance.  This guidance was there all along, but I was too distracted, stressed and too much in my head to notice before!

At a very delicate time in my life, in December 2016, I was gifted information that led me to experience a Transference Healing session.  It opened up doorways for me that I had been trying to access for almost a decade.  I felt like I was home.  I was finally able to access a huge part of me that was hidden.  I have literally changed completely in every way, since that day.  I went on to train as a Practitioner & Teacher of Transference Healing in 2018.

I have a very deep connection with the energies of the earth and the cosmos.  I continue to remember how to work through heart consciousness, deepening my connection.  The energy of Transference Healing assists and supports me to deepen all aspects of my being.  It helps me to shift and transform so much, but in such a beautiful supportive way.

I am passionate about empowering others to live life from the heart, to align energetically and to sustain a high vibration.  I empower my clients to ignite their inner spark, to reconnect with heart consciousness & to live from a vibration of love.

I have experienced a lot in my life.  I have gotten through these times by healing, releasing and letting go.  I have found a deeper level of love, compassion and forgiveness for myself and all others.  No one goes untouched by life.  However, we don’t have to let those moments or experiences hold us back from becoming our true selves. And so – I love helping others to empower themselves – to rise like a phoenix out of those energy states & really live.

Transference Healing has also helped me to support my two boys throughout their childhood.  Children can be so sensitive to energy and changes going on in the earth.  Running energy on my boys regularly has really helped them to thrive.  It has helped to balance so much in our family life and continues to do so.  It is a beautiful modality that supports us throughout all of the changes that are happening within the earth, the cosmos and within human consciousness. The gentle shifts that occur through Transference Healing are profound and transformative on so many levels.

As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner & Teacher, I am available for in-person sessions and remote healings.  I am here to support you to on your beautiful journey.  Please get in touch for more details.


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
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Elodie Redmond Mount Merrion, Dublin Read More
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As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, I am available for in-person and remote healing sessions. I also facilitate Transference Healing workshops and training.

t:  +33 755 056 283


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Beyond Doorways 1 & 2 Workshops
  • Child of Light Workshop

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-4.

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Nora Corbett Midleton, County Cork Read More
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As a registered Transference Healing practitioner and teacher, I am available for in person and remote Healing and mentoring sessions.

I also facilitate Transference Healing trainings.

For more information please contact me

m: +353 868 037 327



I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Advanced Training
  • Alchemy Workshop

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-5.

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Anna Maria Zakowicz Amsterdam Read More
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Gratitude in my Heart to the God/Goddess and my Higher Self for calling me to the path of Transference Healing.

I am Anna Maria. I am honoured to support You on Your personal journey of self-healing, transformation, growth and change, journey to re-connect with the Heart.

I love supporting people with the processes of transition and transformation at physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels with Transference Healing energy.

I love the work with the Alchemy and Light, the beauty of the swift transformation and healing supported by the Transference Healing lineage for Ascension. Personal growth, clearing karmic blocks, re-connection with the crystalline energy of Mother Earth, the magic of the Elements and Elementals, support of the Ascended Masters and the Multiverse are a part of this journey.

I am happy to support You, if You are on your journey of self-mastery and ascension, if You are experiencing light body symptoms, if You are healing chronic illnesses, if You are experiencing change and if You yearn to connect to the energy of Divine Feminine.

I have been practicing different energy modalities for good thirty years. I was blessed with Transference Healing energy to guide me through an intense space of death and rebirth and support with clearing my Chiron wound transforming it into my gift, the space of my true service, purpose and alignment with Divine Will.

I have worked in the space of chronic care, people centred approaches and life skills of self-care for more than 20 years. Now, I am happy to extend my service to providing in person and remote Transference Healing sessions and in person Fundamental Trainings.

I am based in Amsterdam and I offer sessions in English and Polish.

For more information, please contact me at:

m: +31 629 750 848


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Helen Massey Arnhem Read More
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My first calling is music. Having been though rigorous training at music conservatoire for 7 years and finally emerging as an opera singer, I thought I’d arrived in life.

I was living my dream. Naturally life often has a few surprises in store – I was only in my twenties, after all!

I was working  internationally as a professional soloist, but I was still seriously missing some life tools and soon began to feel it. I found it difficult to make the changes in myself and my circumstances that I wanted and needed to make. I found Transference Healing in 2011 (by now in my early 30s) and quickly stepped into the trainings to learn more.


Well it immediately started to happen, and continues to do so as I finally found the tools I needed to start co-creating my life.

While music is a spiritual path in itself and my first love, Transference Healing has become my map and lever for change. The third facet to complete the triad is teaching – both music and Transference Healing. I have found that sharing the knowledge I have really brings everything to life. I have complete Mystery School levels 1-5, and am qualified to teach the Fundamental and Advanced Trainings, as well as offering Transference Healing sessions.

If you feel drawn to get in touch for healings and learning, or simply out of curiosity, I’d be delighted to hear from you.

With much love and light. x

* Als je Nederlands bent, ik spreek wel Nederlands maar Engels is mijn moedertaal. Met tijd zal ik de woordenschat vinden om over TH in het Nederlands te spreken. Voor nu moet ik vooral Engels (of een combinatie) gebruiken. x

m: +31 611 687 217

p: +44 7 812 537 162 


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Advanced Training

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-5.

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Wendy Dragtstra-Ploeg Zaandam Read More
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Welcome! I am Wendy

My Mission: Your Transformation and Healing

It is my honour to be your guide on the journey to personal and spiritual growth. Born and raised in the Zaan region, after many travels around the world, I have found my home in a traditional wooden Zaan house from 1600 in Zaandam. I live here with my husband, Dave, and our two sons. This is also the place where my practice is located, where I provide healing with love and dedication.

I love this phrase of Socrates: Know thyself then you shall know the Universe and the Gods.
We all have a multiverse within. Let your unique light shine and remember how special you are!

From an early age I have had a deep interest in the subtle dimensions of life. Dreams and meditative journeys transcend our everyday consciousness, and I believe that integrating these experiences can bring powerful healing and awaken hidden talents. With a  Bachelor degree in Social Studies and more than 20 years of work experience in mental health care, I have a solid foundation in both regular and alternative medicine. Every person I work with, I see as an equal teacher. This mutual learning experience has helped me to grow personally and support others more effectively in their own transformation process.

As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner & Teacher, I am available for in-person sessions and remote healings.

m: +31 682 659 073


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training


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Grazyna Witkowska Warsaw Read More
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Greetings! My passion is to support people, animals, and the land in our evolution to better and better versions of self. I believe that everyone has the intrinsic right to develop their full potential, to be fully and completely themselves, to express their wholeness, and to bestow their unique gifts onto the world.

Transference Healing supported me on my path towards the best version of me. Now I want to help others to experience this transformative energy.

I am available for in-person and remote healing sessions. I also facilitate Transference Healing training.

For more information, please contact me at:

m:+61 415 298 383

m:+48 697 471 482


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Advanced Training

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-5.

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Jelica Drepaul Uster, Kanton Zuerich Read More
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As a Transference Healing Certified Practitioner, I am available for One-on-One Sessions and Absentee Healings.

For more information, please contact me at:

m: +41 766 521 696


New Zealand

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Marie Donnelly Raglan Read More
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As a Transference Healing Certified Practitioner, I am available for One-on-One Sessions and Absentee Healings.

For more information, please contact me at:



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Daria Tavoularis Reno, Nevada Read More
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Daria Tavoularis (she/her) is an ordained priestess and award-winning artist who has been a student of the spiritual mysteries for twenty years. Her deep immersion into the magic of life began with the spontaneous activation of her Kundalini and the personal crisis that followed. When the ground beneath her fell away, she found that she was held by a loving force which carried her through the cycles of destruction, incubation and rebirth with fierce and unconditional tenderness. Daria’s mission is to help others meet this force and allow themselves to be moved by it. She is here to support your commitment to growth, and can help you create and maintain your unique alchemical process of self-inquiry and devotion to life.

When you take responsibility for your awakening, trust the guidance of Spirit and open to change, your heart and consciousness evolves. You remember how inseparable you are from everything in existence and your reality transforms in miraculous ways. Transference Healing is an incredibly potent and magical modality that will bring you into harmony with the flow of life and activate your innate ability to self-heal and co-create.

Much love,


For more information, contact me at:



I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-4.

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Heidi Fogell Chattanooga Read More
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My studies in science, religion, faith, and mysticism have taught me that we can continue to live in Source while in the space and matrix of this Earth.

This time of great transition and New Earth creation, is ripe for ascension and personal growth.
My soul’s calling is to support young souls – and those that care for and nurture them – to navigate their ascension journey with Transference Healing.

As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, I am available for One-on-One Sessions and Absentee Healings.

For more information, please contact me at:

m: +1 321 759 2707


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
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Joy Coscia California Read More
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‘Walk like you have a thousand ancestors behind you.’

Hello, my name is Rev. Joy Coscia,

I was born psychic with an inner knowing that I am here to be a vessel for the Goddess, in service to Mother Earth. I learned at an early age what “not to talk about in front of grownups.” Luckily, with the help of my Angels and Guides, I have learned tools over many years to discern my energy from the pain of the world around me. This is a work in progress.

Three pivotal moments have grounded my Spiritual Destiny. The first happened in my 20’s, during a Sweat Lodge Ceremony (Inipi). I recognized the language and felt a deep connection to the teachings. I spent the next 25 years re-connecting to my Lakota spiritual lineage.

The next awakening happened on a trip to Scotland when I stepped through a stone circle and had full recall of Celtic lifetimes and ceremonies honouring the earth and living in balance. My ancestors told me, “Your life is no longer your own, it is part of something bigger and you are not alone.”

I believe the consolidation of these paths has divinely led me to the magical lineage of Transference Healing. Being in the energy feels like coming home to the cosmos, uniting Heaven and Earth.
My heart continues to heal, open, and grow beyond limitation. Patterns, trauma, and pain that I have been carrying around for lifetimes has simply dissolved. This energy brings miracles.

My Elders taught me to “do as I do & make it your own, then pass it on in the way it was given to you.” I am honoured to offer my healing services and be a catalyst for your spiritual empowerment.

For more information, please contact me at:



I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-4.

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Marie-Eleana First New York Read More
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‘Calming empowerment for healing and transformation’.

My connection to the Divine has steadfastly given me the strength and courage to move forward in life even under the most tumultuous and uncertain circumstances.

I have had an incredible journey, of learning how to empower and heal myself in my life so far.  And through my process, I have discovered that many people also have pain and wounding from their own childhood and other life experiences, which can cause them to feel and act in a disempowered way, in their own lives.

Separated from my mother as an infant, I lived in many different family homes, as  a baby, child and teenager.  The pain of separation from my mother, and my own feelings of disempowerment and unworthiness has been a catalyst for me to learn how to empower and heal myself, to live my life with honesty and integrity, and to be the best person that I can be. Over the course of time, I have received affirmation that my trust in Spirit and listening to my intuition is instrumental in self-care.

While growing up, I innately used art and the natural elements to support me on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels.  Music, singing, dancing, exercising and spending time by the water and in nature were key for me to be able to balance and realign and to brush off negativity, fear and uncertainty.

I became an attorney in 1999 to empower myself and to advocate for the rights of other people.  Over the past 16 years my work as an attorney has helped many people overcome their own life challenges and obstacles, enabling them to move forward in their lives, free from the restrictions that their circumstances could have left them with.

As an adult, I have become conscious of my life-long mission: learning how to empower myself, learning how to feel worthy, in order to create a peaceful and balanced life.  I spent years in therapy to work through painful events that occurred while growing up, and to learn not to be a victim of my circumstances.  I took my healing further, commencing in 2006, when I became connected to the chakras, qi, and meridians through acupuncture and meditation.

My first experience with a more direct transformational modality, Transference Healing, whose principals, teachings and frequencies I share today, was in New York City when I received my first healing.  It was a life changing moment.  I felt strong yet gentle sensations in my body, physically experiencing the energetic shifts within me, that made me realize that emotional blocks had been cleared from that one healing.  I felt so open and receptive.

What I have come to learn and understand over time, through a more direct connection to the teachings and energies of Transference Healing, is that “self-healing” is the key to self-mastery and ascension.

My whole life has been driven by the values of courage, strength and integrity, and I experience that truth through this lineage of holy teachings.

I am thrilled to share this with you on any level that you feel drawn to receive.  To contact me please see my details below:



I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Beyond Doorways 1 & 2 Workshops
  • Animal Magic Workshop
  • Child of Light Workshop
  • Child of Light Meditation Workshop
  • Alchemy Workshop

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-4.

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Sandy Townsend Long Valley, New Jersey Read More
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Hello, my name is Sandy Townsend and my exposure to the spiritual world began at a young age.  I grew up in a home with a psychic mother who made a living doing tarot card readings, my father would do astrological charts by hand and my grandmother had the gift of dream interpretations.

Because of my family influence, I developed an interest in different aspects of the spiritual world.  I began to read books and one day decided to take a Reiki class.  From there I went on to become a Reiki Master.  For seven years, I was part of a shamanic circle learning many teachings and traditions from around the world.

Although I was part of this group, the journey was really about healing myself.  I learned healing yourself takes deep commitment and there are many layers for you to uncover.  Each layer is a process – some being long and hard and others heal easily.

I have learned that spiritual work is not only self fulfilling, but it is also such a wonderful feeling to be able to turn around and support others on their journey.

My first exposure to Transference Healing was at a New York City Expo.  It was there, I decided to receive a healing.  While experiencing the healing, I immediately felt my heart open and many sensations throughout my body.  To me, the energy felt very clean, sacred and worked on a very deep level within the body.  I knew immediately, this was something I wanted to learn, to be able to help others.

Transference Healing helped me reconnect to my true self, allowing the ego to step back.  I am passionate about this work and the ability it holds to help so many.  I am a Certified Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher.

If you feel drawn to this healing modality, I would be honored to assist you on your journey either in person or remotely.  I can be reached either by phone or e-mail.

With much gratitude,

Sandy Townsend

For more information, contact me at:

t:  +1 908 625 6732



I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training
  • Advanced Training
  • Beyond Doorways 1 & 2 Workshops
  • Animal Magic Workshop
  • Child of Light Workshop

I have completed Mystery Schools 1-5.

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Kristin Colasonno Trumbull, CT Read More
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As a Transference Healing Certified Practitioner, I am available for One-on-One Sessions and Absentee Healings.

For more information, please contact me at:


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Luciana Foster Los Angeles Read More
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As a Transference Healing Certified Practitioner, I am available for for One-on-One Sessions and Absentee Healings.

For more information, please contact me at:



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Stephanie Pflug Easton Read More
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As a Transference Healing Certified Practitioner, I am available for for One-on-One Sessions and Absentee Healings.

For more information, please contact me at:

m: 1 917 285 3977



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Luna Sun China Read More
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Luna Sun is a naturally gifted energy healer and spiritual teacher who possesses a deep passion for unravelling the mysteries of life and discovering universal truths. With over 15 years of global travel, she has explored various spiritual lineages and immersed herself in the study of both Eastern and Western mysteries, under the guidance of esteemed teachers and master healers. Her studies have encompassed disciplines such as Buddhism, fengshui, India Nadi leaves, reiki, tarot, astrology, life coach etc. Throughout her journey, Luna has encountered numerous spiritual teachers and master healers who consistently emphasized her destiny to serve others as a master healer and ascension facilitator.

Life is not always easy or straightforward. Having been raised and worked in China for nearly 30 years, Luna faced the challenges of cultural identity and family expectations, which compelled her to strive relentlessly to prove herself as a successful woman in her career. However, despite her achievements and financial prosperity, she felt a profound void within and a lack of true happiness. In 2012, she also experienced the Dark Night of the Soul, grappling with depression.

Through her healing journeys over decades, Luna has personally experienced various crises in health, relationships and finances, which have deepened her empathy and insight. In 2019, Luna encountered Transformational Healing (TH) in Glastonbury, UK. Instantly, she felt a profound resonance and a sense of returning home through this energy. Over five years of studying and practicing, Luna reawakened her divine gifts and talents in energy healing. She became the first Chinese TH Fundamental Training teacher capable of teaching in Mandarin.

Today, Luna Sun shares her wisdom and healing gifts with clients in both the United Kingdom and China. Her remarkable background in business and spirituality enables her to guide clients through challenges and help them find their own paths to fulfilment in daily life.

As a Registered Transference Healing Practitioner and Teacher, she offers in-person and remote healing sessions, as well as Transference Healing training.
Additionally, Luna serves as a spiritual consultant, guiding individuals towards their own spiritual awakening.

For more information, please contact:

m:(+44)07 477 585 585


I am certified to teach:

  • Fundamental Training

I have completed Mystery School 1-4.

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Become a Registered Healer

Transference Healing was channelled for divine self-healing and ascension, the foundation of which is the Fundamental & Advanced trainings.

Upon completion of the Fundamental & Advanced trainings with Alexis, you have the knowledge, confidence and skill to run a full Transference Healing session on yourslef and others, including clients.

If you are truly committed to personal and spiritual empowerment through the Transference Healing lineage, the Fundamental and Advanced trainings are the perfect place to start.
