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  • calendar 12-14 September 2025
  • pin Live Streamed Online: 7am - 2pm AEST
  • price $3700

This three-day training is the first step in your self-healing journey through the Transference Healing lineage. It contains all the alchemy within the energy, giving you the tools to energetically support yourself and your loved ones.


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The Fundamental Training is the beginning of your self-healing journey through the Transference Healing lineage. In this three-day workshop you learn practical procedures that create alchemy in your body and open you up to intuitive guidance. Learn how to channel the Transference Healing frequencies to support divine healing and ascension. Break down patterning that creates limitation, allowing manifestation and flow to become a part of your reality.

  • Learn practical energetic procedures that empower you to heal yourself and your loved ones.
  • Learn how to lift your frequency, clear past pain and gain clarity around ongoing concerns.
  • Learn how to channel the Transference Healing frequencies to break down resistance and limitation, so you can manifest a reality in alignment with your Higher Self.

Bestowed by Enoch, the Fundamental teachings were anchored by Alexis to create alchemy in the physical body. These teachings are a powerful template or tool that will support you to integrate your lightbody and become aligned with the new, evolving world. This three-day training creates an alchemical healing response for new levels of wellness.

In the Transference Healing Fundamental Training, you are supported to connect to your Higher Self, reawaken divine gifts and talents, and participate in your ascension into the fifth dimensional Adam Kadmon body. It also connects you to your highest spiritual potential, awakening more evolved levels of consciousness and supporting you to tap into your multidimensional being.

The procedures taught in the Fundamental Training are the structural foundation to begin channelling the Transference Healing frequencies and master as a healer. This profound initiation into the Transference Healing Diamond Pyramid of Light teaches you the practical energetic procedures to perform a Transference Healing session on yourself and your loved ones.

Training Inclusions

  • 318 page Fundamental Training Manual.
  • 7 x full colour templates + healing record template.
  • Lightbody Kit containing 77 mother tincture essences in handmade box.
  • Lightbody Kit book, including colour images of the Lightbody Kit crystals.
  • Fundamental/Advanced digital download; audio recording spoken by Alexis.
  • Fundamental Training certificate of completion.


Advanced Training

Do you want to know about your evolving DNA and how you can interact with Higher Realms through your lightbody? Are you ready to practice alchemy and lightbody technology for yourself, loved ones and clients? If so, we invite you to learn more about the Transference Healing Advanced Training.

Advanced Training
