Product description
Chiron in Aquarius
Astrological placements between 1905 and 2052
13/01/1905 to 20/03/1910
30/08/1910 to 15/01/1911
28/01/1955 to 26/03/1960
20/08/1960 to 20/01/1961
22/02/2005 to 01/08/2005
06/12/2005 to 19/04/2010
21/07/2010 to 08/02/2011
Chiron’s placement in your natal chart is a catalyst for profound healing. It reveals an opportunity to clear karmic restriction for long-term health and personal growth.
Each of these Chiron Templates corresponds with one of the twelve astrological signs of Chiron. They work with the geometric properties of the Flower of Life to template the technology of a Mandala. Combined with the energetic attributes of specific crystals that work with each individual sign, they create a healing impact unique to your Chiron wounding. These templates initiate a crystalline healing impact on your body and consciousness. They work for adults and children of all ages.
Detailed readings for each Chiron wounding are outlined in our book, ‘Beyond Doorways: The Mysteries Revealed’.
Chiron templates © Transference Healing Pty Ltd 2014.
Universal Teaching
On a universal level, Chiron in Aquarius is teaching us to think in global terms. It ignites within us the aspiration to change the world for the better. It offers resolutions to long-term concerns, and inspires us to pursue creative, spiritual and humanitarian endeavours.
Chiron in Aquarius is also supporting us to own our individuality so we can each express our unique aspect of the God/Goddess force. It holds a space for us to own our sense of identity so we can express the beauty of diversity. It therefore instils unconditional love and compassion within our hearts, healing the need for separation and judgement.
This Chironic placement also supports unification to initiate global change. It inspires original thought so humanity can evolve and live within a higher vibrational reality and state of consciousness. Chiron in Aquarius supports the rebirthing of Christ Consciousness; through it, we can create the next Golden Age.