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  • calendar 28 June 2024
  • pin Live Streamed Online: 7am - 1:30pm AEST
  • price $4500

The Teacher training is the next step for anyone who wants to actively participate in the awakening and empowerment of others. Upon completion of this training, you will have the skills and certification to teach the Transference Healing Fundamental Training to your own clients.



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Do you want to teach others to heal themselves? Is it time for you to actively participate in the awakening and empowerment of others? Are you a change-maker or lightworker, driven to be of service to humanity? In this one-day training you will be initiated into a divine self-mastership process that encourages your evolution from a healer and practitioner, to a spiritual teacher and ascension facilitator.

  • Be initiated into a divine self-mastership process so you can be of service to others.
  • Participate in a clearing, alignment and initiation that will support you to hold a space for students.
  • Learn how to grow your spiritual business and become self-sufficient through the Transference Healing energy.
  • Become eligible to attend the Transference Healing Mystery School.

This training is for leaders and visionaries who want to actively participate in the co-creation of a new Golden Age reality on Earth. It is also for awakened souls who no longer ascribe to the belief that your work must exist in a state of separation from your spiritual path. Not only do you receive a comprehensive guide on how to teach the Fundamental Training, but you also participate in an alignment that supports you to be a guiding light for others. Upon completion of the Teacher Training, you will have the certification to teach Transference Healing to your own clients. At this point you become a vessel for the healing, transformation and spiritual growth of others.

You don’t have to want to teach the Transference Healing Fundamental Training to gain value from this learning experience. This training supports you to open you up to your oversoul, the totality of your soul’s wisdom and experience. Divine wisdom comes through, your psyche, intuition and sensory perception develops, and your intent aligns with your higher spiritual purpose. This is the ultimate purpose of Transference Healing; to empower you to self-heal, and to support all evolving souls on this planet to become active participants in the co-creation of a higher reality and world.

Upon completion of the Teacher Training, Graduates are also eligible to attain Teacher certification for the Beyond DoorwaysAnimal MagicAlchemy and Child of Light Workshops. Certification to facilitate these smaller workshops does require additional training.

To step into the Teacher Training you must first complete the Fundamental and Advanced Trainings.


Training Inclusions

  • Teacher Training Manual for the three-day Fundamental Training.
  • Certification to become and Transference Healing Teacher and teach the Fundamental Training.
  • Transference Healing website listing (name, picture, bio & contact details).
  • Teacher digital download; audio recording spoken by Alexis.
  • Membership to the Graduate Gateway, an online platform with examples, guidelines and downloads to help you build your TH practice.
  • Eligibility to build your business with access to Transference Healing products at a wholesale rate.
  • Eligibility to step into the Transference Healing Mystery School 1.


Mystery School

Are you drawn to the deeper mysteries of nature and the human experience? Are you truly committed to self-mastership in this lifetime? Learn more about the Transference Healing Mystery School here.

Mystery School
